So I don't know about the rest of you, but Valentine's Day pretty much snuck up on Daniel and I really unexpectedly this year! I know that may sound stupid, considering it's on the same day every year (duh), but this year was a bit different for us because it was our first year celebrating as a married couple. Now before I sound too pretentious and "married," allow me to explain - our anniversary is February 3rd, then the next week is Valentine's Day, and then a week afterwards is Daniel's birthday. Too many large life celebrations happening at once! I'm bound to skip a beat on the least important one.
Anyway, that being said, we still pulled off what I would consider to be a pretty momentous V-day by taking these fun pictures, making a cutesie little homemade margherita pizza together, and having a romantic rooftop picnic on the top of our building. Daniel was so sweet and surprised me by setting out a bunch of little candles leading to the picnic (okay, he even spelled out L-O-V-E with some of them...), and set the romantic mood even further with a little bit of classic jazz. My man's got game, right? But then again, I already knew that. ;)
What about all of you? Did you do anything fun or exciting with your signif other on Valentine's Day? Or did you comically scorn it and celebrate Singles Awareness Day instead? Either way, I sincerely hope that you all went out and bought half off candy the next day. Amen. Can't wait to hear!