shirt/H&M (sold out but found here), necklace/F21 (similar), jeans/UO, blazer/H&M (similar), shoes/Sole Society (similar), clutch/ASOS (similar)
I'm pretty much terrified of any and all kinds of bugs, but for some reason I'll wear them on my clothing. Funny huh? Found this moth shirt and bracelet in the same week and couldn't resist; it was clearly DESTINY.
In other news, it's already getting back to the early 80's here in Phoenix, and people are starting to dress for Summer. Did I miss something or is it not even February yet? Gosh. February is going to be a pretty busy month around here...Daniel and I will be celebrating 2 years of marriage (!!!), Valentine's Day, his 25th birthday, and my parents are coming to visit! Basically I'll be going broke. ;)
What are you looking forward to in February? Can you believe the first month of 2015 is almost gone?!
xo, grace -@thegracemattei