sweater/F21 (similar), shirt/Anthro (similar), jeans/UO (similar), shoes/Vince Camuto, necklace/F21 (similar), clutch/Kate Spade (similar)
Clothing is so fun to me because it can always be used as a means of expression for whatever your current mood is. Feeling somber? Black it is. Sexy? Well, maybe black again. Whimsical? Florals. Cheeky? Polka dots. Better yet, three different kinds.
I love this outfit because it could be seen as classy or even business casual, but it's still playful. When you're wearing three different types of polka dots, you can't be caught taking yourself too seriously. It works because they're all in the same color range, so the patterns become less overwhelming and more coherent than anything, and the end result is oh so fun!
I've been feeling really excited this week because on Wednesday my mom gets here (and obviously that means I'm taking half of the week off from work, which is just an added perk)! It's been almost a year since I've seen her, and this is the first time that she's ever visited me since I've been married (not to mention since I've moved to Phoenix). Daniel and I have been rushing around making lists of things that we want to do while she's here and trying to make sure that the apartment is even cleaner than normal. The anticipation is actually a lot of fun! I get the feeling that it will make the next couple days go by even speedier than usual.
How about all of you? Do you guys look forward to your parents visiting, or is it more of an imminent dread that overcomes you (ha)? I feel like since I've gotten a little older I appreciate them more and more. Then again, maybe I'm just becoming crazy in my old age...after all, I am wearing three different types of polka dots. ;)